Hydroponics – just so many opportunities for self-fulfilment

Hydroponics holds many people in a suspended sense of some awe and much fascination. After all, how can you grow plants without soil? Must be another marketing trick, surely? Well, hydroponics has been around since before the middle of the last century. It didn’t start with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon as many would believe but with experiments carried out by the US Dept. of Agriculture, which were later given a boost during the war

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Myths About Hydroponics

Ask yourself how much you know about hydroponics and from where did you obtain that information? Many people obtain their knowledge from the internet and the problem with that is that the information is contributed by a plethora of sources, much of it from amateurs. The net result is a mine of confusing information, resulting often in delegates starting on our course with heads-full of bird’s nests (!) Hydroponics is the growing of plants in

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Hydroponics – Food for the Future

Hydroponics has been around since the 1930’s when US Dept. of Agriculture scientists experimented, using water soluble fertilisers to grow plants. Then during the Second World War the US Army gave it a huge boost when they successfully used hydroponics to feed their troops in the South Pacific using the clear crystal water from the volcanic slopes together with beach sand. It did not start with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a misconception, as then they had no water soluble chemicals with which it could be done.

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Pitfalls in Hydroponics

In an earlier issue of The Farmer’s Weekly Julia Kupka exposed some of the shortcomings of the hanging bag system and the dangers of unscrupulous franchisors. These are two very real dangers for potential hydroponics farmers, but there are many others too that the inexperienced hydroponics farmer may not be aware of.

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